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Layer: Pavement Condition (IRI) (ID: 174)

Name: Pavement Condition (IRI)

Display Field: YR_REC

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline

Description: WisDOT, 10/2022International Roughness Index (IRI) PM2If the record doesn’t have an IRI date (IRI_DT), then it was not measured by WisDOT. There are ‘0’ values in the pavement data for these but they are not measured values.FIDFID is a unique, not null integer field used to uniquely identify rows in shapefile attribute tablesOBJECTIDObject ID is a unique, not null integer field used to uniquely identify rows in GIS attribute tablesOVLP_IDOverlap ID is a non-business, unique, system assigned value used as a primary identifier.YR_RECYear Record is the calendar year to which a record applies.RDWY_LINKRoadway Link ID uniquely identifies a specific segment of a roadwayBGN_OSET_MBegin Offset Miles is a linear reference for the beginning of a roadway segment measuring the distance in miles from the beginning of the Roadway Link IDEND_OSET_MEnd Offset Miles is a linear reference for the end of a roadway segment measuring the distance in miles from the beginning of the Roadway Link IDON_RTNMOn Route Name is the familiar, non-numeric designation for a route that the link resides on.FNCT_SYSFunctional System is the FHWA approved Functional System. 1 - Interstate, 2 - Freeway/Expressway, 3 - Principal Arterial Other, 4 - Minor Arterial, 5 - Major Collector, 6 - Minor Collector, 7 - LocalNHSNational Highway System is the NHS status of the section. 1 - Non Connector NHS, 2 - Major Airport, 3 - Major Port Facility, 4 - Major Amtrak Station, 5 - Major Rail/Truck Terminal, 6 - Major Inner City Bus Terminal, 7 - Major Public Transportation or Multi-Modal Passenger Terminal, 8 - Major Pipeline Terminal, 9 - Major Ferry TerminalRTNMRoute Number is numeric designation assigned to Interstate, U.S., and State, highwaysSTRC_TYStructure Type is an indictor of if a roadway section is entirely on a bridge, tunnel, or causeway. 1 - Bridge, 2 - Tunnel, 3 - CausewaySURF_TYSurface Type is the surface type of the section. 1 - Unpaved, 2 - Bituminous Asphalt, 3 - Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (including whitetopping), 4 - Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement (including whitetopping), 5 - Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP), 6 - Asphalt-Concrete (AC) Overlap over Existing AC Pavement, 7 - AC Overlay over Existing Jointed Concrete, 8 - AC (Bituminous Overlay over Existing CRCP), 9 - Unbonded Jointed Concrete Overlay on PCC Pavement, 10 - PCC Overlap on PCC Pavement, 11 - Other (e.g. plank, brick, cobblestone, etc.) THRU_LNESThrough Lanes is the number of lanes of the entire facility in a given direction of travel.URB_CDUrban Code is the U.S.Census urban area code.CRKGCracking Percent is the percent of cracking on asphalt, concrete, or continually reinforced concrete, as it is detailed in the Highway Performance Monitoring System Field ManualFLTGThe average vertical displacement between adjacent jointed concrete panels measured in inches.IRIInternational Roughness Index measured in inches per mile.IRI_DTIRI date is the date the International Roughness Index was collected.RTNGAverage Rutting measured in inches.IRI_RATNGInternational Roughness Index rating for segment in accordance with Transportation Performance Management guidanceRTNG_RATNGRutting rating for segment in accordance with Transportation Performance Management guidanceFLTG_RATNGFaulting rating for segment in accordance with Transportation Performance Management guidanceCRKG_RATNGCracking Percent rating for segment in accordance with Transportation Performance Management guidanceSGMT_RATNGOverall segment rating in accordance with Transportation Performance Management guidanceShape_LengGIS assigned geometry linework measurement not for business use

Copyright Text: WisDOT

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MaxRecordCount: 1000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON

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Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: false

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

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HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

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