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Legend (MPO/RTP_PIM_Board)

Transfer Stations (12)
Planned Bike/Ped Bridge (71)
Existing Bike/Ped Bridge (72)
Planned Off Street Facilities (74)
Planned On Street Facilities (Existing Roads) (75)
Planned On Street Facilities (Planned Roads) (76)
Existing Off Street Facilities (78)
Existing On Street Facilities (79)
Off Street (61)
Primary (Shared-Use Path) Primary (Shared-Use Path)
Secondary (Shared-Use Path) Secondary (Shared-Use Path)
On Street (62)
Primary (On Street) Primary (On Street)
Secondary (On Street) Secondary (On Street)
On Street (135)
Primary Primary
Secondary Secondary
Off-Street (Shared-Use Path) (136)
Primary Primary
Secondary Secondary
Planned on Planned Street (54)
Primary (On Street) Primary (On Street)
Secondary (On Street) Secondary (On Street)
Planned on Existing Street (55)
Primary (On Street) Primary (On Street)
Secondary (On Street) Secondary (On Street)
Planned on Planned Off-Street (56)
Primary (Shared-Use Path) Primary (Shared-Use Path)
Secondary (Shared-Use Path) Secondary (Shared-Use Path)
Current on Existing Street (57)
Primary (On Street) Primary (On Street)
Secondary (On Street) Secondary (On Street)
Planned on Existing Off-Street (58)
Primary (Shared-Use Path) Primary (Shared-Use Path)
Secondary (Shared-Use Path) Secondary (Shared-Use Path)
Current Off-Street (59)
Primary (Shared-Use Path) Primary (Shared-Use Path)
Secondary (Shared-Use Path) Secondary (Shared-Use Path)
Off Street LTS 1 (124)
Bike Path Bike Path
On Street LTS (125)
LTS 1: Lowest stress LTS 1: Lowest stress
LTS 2: Low stress LTS 2: Low stress
LTS 3: Moderate stress LTS 3: Moderate stress
LTS 4: Highest stress LTS 4: Highest stress
Bicycles prohibited Bicycles prohibited
Ped/Bike Over/Underpass (122)
Planned Paths (101)
Bike Path Bike Path
Planned Roads (103)
LTS 1: Lowest stress LTS 1: Lowest stress
LTS 2: Low stress LTS 2: Low stress
LTS 3: Moderate stress LTS 3: Moderate stress
LTS 4: Highest stress LTS 4: Highest stress
Bicycles prohibited Bicycles prohibited
Existing Paths (102)
Bike Path Bike Path
Existing Roads and Paths (121)
LTS 1: Lowest stress LTS 1: Lowest stress
LTS 2: Low stress LTS 2: Low stress
LTS 3: Moderate stress LTS 3: Moderate stress
LTS 4: Highest stress LTS 4: Highest stress
Bicycles prohibited Bicycles prohibited
Bike Missing Links (130)
Programmed in 2022-26 TIP Programmed in 2022-26 TIP
Not Programmed Not Programmed
To be Removed (116)
To be Removed To be Removed
Existing (117)
Carpool Only Carpool Only
With Transit Service With Transit Service
Carpool with Planned Transit Service Carpool with Planned Transit Service
Planned (118)
Carpool Only Carpool Only
With Transit Service With Transit Service
Intercity Bus Terminal (Planned) (161)
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Route (106)
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Route - Local Service (105)
Local Route (108)
Express/Commuter Route (107)
Rail (158)
Intercity Passenger Rail (Planned) Intercity Passenger Rail (Planned)
Railroad (Preserve for Freight and/or Passenger Rail) Railroad (Preserve for Freight and/or Passenger Rail)
Local Rail Bank (Out of Service) Local Rail Bank (Out of Service)
BRT Station (52)
Proposed Station Proposed Station
BRT Route (51)
Proposed East-West Routing Proposed East-West Routing
Traffic Signal (29)
One-Way Street (39)
Average Daily Traffic StreetLight Index* (0)
1 1
5 5
10 10
25 25
50 50
75 75
100 100
250 250
500 500
1,000 1,000
Traffic Volumes (5)
1 - 5,000 1 - 5,000
5,001 - 10,000 5,001 - 10,000
10,001 - 15,000 10,001 - 15,000
15,001 - 20,000 15,001 - 20,000
20,001 - 40,000 20,001 - 40,000
40,001 - 65,000 40,001 - 65,000
Bridge Condition (2)
Good Good
Fair Fair
Poor Poor
Pavement Condition (IRI) (174)
Pavment Condition (PCI) (3)
Very Good to Excellent Very Good to Excellent
Good Good
Fair Fair
Poor Poor
Very Poor Very Poor
Pavment Condition (PASER) (4)
Very Good to Excellent Very Good to Excellent
Good Good
Fair Fair
Poor Poor
Very Poor Very Poor
No Data No Data
Approximate Buses per Hour by Stop (11)
No Service No Service
1 Bus 1 Bus
2 Buses 2 Buses
3 - 4 Buses 3 - 4 Buses
> 4 Buses > 4 Buses
Approximate Buses per Hour by Stop (10)
No Service No Service
1 Bus 1 Bus
2 Buses 2 Buses
3 - 4 Buses 3 - 4 Buses
> 4 Buses > 4 Buses
Bus Route (9)
Metro Transit (6)
Weekday Peak and Off-Peak Service Area Weekday Peak and Off-Peak Service Area
Metro Transit (7)
Weekday Peak Service Area Only Weekday Peak Service Area Only
Metro Transit Routes (21)
Service Generally Throughout the Day Service Generally Throughout the Day
Service Peak Periods Only Service Peak Periods Only
Suburban Transit Routes (20)
Service Generally Throughout the Day Service Generally Throughout the Day
Service Peak Periods Only Service Peak Periods Only
Metro Transit (13)
Monona Transit (14)
Metro Transit (16)
Monona Transit (17)
Interchanges/Intersections and Bridges (159)
Bridge Capacity Expansion (Planned) Bridge Capacity Expansion (Planned)
Major Intersection Improvement (Programmed) Major Intersection Improvement (Programmed)
New or Improved Interchange (Programmed) New or Improved Interchange (Programmed)
New or Improved Interchange (Planned) New or Improved Interchange (Planned)
Study Potential Interchange or Intersection Improvement Study Potential Interchange or Intersection Improvement
Roadways (160)
Freeway Capacity Expansion: Flex Lanes (Programmed) Freeway Capacity Expansion: Flex Lanes (Programmed)
Freeway Conversion (Programmed) Freeway Conversion (Programmed)
Official Map For Potential Freeway Conversion Official Map For Potential Freeway Conversion
Major Arterial Roadway Reconstruction (Programmed) Major Arterial Roadway Reconstruction (Programmed)
Arterial Roadway Capacity Expansion (Programmed) Arterial Roadway Capacity Expansion (Programmed)
Arterial Roadway Capacity Expansion (Planned) Arterial Roadway Capacity Expansion (Planned)
Reserve ROW Official Map, Manage Access Reserve ROW Official Map, Manage Access
Arterial Roadway Capacity Reduction (Programmed or Planned) Arterial Roadway Capacity Reduction (Programmed or Planned)
Study Potential Capacity Reduction Study Potential Capacity Reduction
Major Corridor Studies (Recommended) Major Corridor Studies (Recommended)
Major Corridor Studies (Current)* Major Corridor Studies (Current)*
Potentially On New Alignment (165)
Crashes by Intersection (2017-2020) (171)
1 - 20 1 - 20
21 - 40 21 - 40
41 - 60 41 - 60
61 - 80 61 - 80
81 - 100 81 - 100
Crash Density (2016-2020) (172)
Low Low
High High