Description: The proposed current spring planting sites dataset was created and maintained by City of Madison Urban Forestry Department to coordinate and track the planting of ROW trees. Data is used to communicate both internally and externally where this work will be performed.
Copyright Text: City of Madison Streets and Urban Forestry
Description: The points in this layer are the general locations of current address data in the City of Madison's property system.
They are placed automatically at the center of the tax parcel that the address is associated with. They do not reflect the actual location of the address as represented by a building access location or front door.
Description: The different classifications of the tree data are as follows:
Species-describes the species of each tree
Diameter-describes the diameter at the base of each tree from inspection date
Description: City of Madison Wisconsin Zoning Districts
Copyright Text: City of Madison Department of Planning and Community & Economic, Development, Planning Division
City of Madison Department of Planning and Community & Economic, Development, Building Inspection