Description: The different classificiations of the bike path data are as follows:Segment Name- information on what street and in between which streets a particular segment is locatedMSLink- denotes the specific codes given to each pathLocation- additional information on the street and parameter of bike pathAlderman District- information on which district the bike is locatedPavement Rating- information on the quality of the pavementPavement Type- information on the material used in the pavementLengthand Width- information on the size of a particular stretch of bike pathUse- denotes whether the path is for walking or biking use.Pavement Marking and Lighting- information on the lighting and the marking of a particular pathMaintained By- information on who is responsible for the up-keep of a particular pathLast Maintained By- information on when the last maintenance was performed and describes the type of maintenance completed.
Description: Codes for attribute table
Pavement & Curb Rating
10-9 Excellent
8 Very Good
7-6 Good
5-4 Fair
3-1 Poor
0/Null Not Rated/Not built
Functional Class 1 Principal Arterial
2 Primary Arterial
3 Standard Arterial
4 Collector
5 Local Street
6 Ramp
7 Alley
8 Not Used
9 Private Street
0 Not Constructed
Surface Type
35 Gravel
40 Seal Coat
60 Asphalt over Concrete
65 Hot Mix (overlay) on Asphalt
70 Hot Mix Asphalt
75 Concrete
Curb Gutter & Sidewalk
0 None
1 Left Side
2 Right Side
3 Both Sides
Oneway (oneway street)
0 Not a one-way str
1 One-way in opposite way digitized (Address high to low)
2 One-way in direction digitized (Address low to high)
0 None
1 Grass
2 Gravel
3 Paved
0 None
1 Standard
2 Mountable
Description: The different classifications of the medians are as followsMslink-denotes the specific code given to every medianOn-Street-denotes the street where each median is locatedFrom-Street-denotes where the median beginsTo-Street-denotes where the median endsSeq_Number-denotes the sequence number for each medianMedian_Type-describes the type of median Area_Total-denotes the total area of the medianArea_Turf-denotes the grass area of the medianAgency_Turf-denotes who is responsble for the grass area of the median Equip_Mowing-describes the mowing equipment used for the medianFreq_Mowing-denotes how often the medians are mowedArea_Planting-describes if any planting occurs on the medians Area_Spec_Grass-describes if the grass is specific to the areaAgency_Spec_Grass-describes if the grass is specific to a particular agencyArea_Paved-denotes the size of the area on the median that is pavedStructures-describes if any structures are present on each medianIrrigation-describes whether watering is needed for each medianNum_Crosswalks-denotes the number of crosswalks on a medianWing_Plowable-describes whether the median is plowableShape-describes the shape of the medianShape_Area-denotes the area of the medianShape_Length-denotes the length of the median
Description: Impervious areas are collected on parcels that are not single/dual family residences. This dataset reflects those areas. Dataset was developed from a variety of sources including digitizing off of orthophotography and site plans from developers. The codes for the attribute field of "Type" are B=Building; M=Misc; P=Parking; S=Private Sidewalk; V=Void.
Copyright Text: City of Madison Engineering Department