Description: The different classifications of alley pavements in this section are as follows:Segment name- information on what street and in between which streets a particular segment is.Street Code-allows the segment to be looked up by it's unique numberMSlink - allows the segment to be looked up by it's unique numberCurb Rating- describes the quality and type of curbPavement Rating- describes the quality and type of pavementRoad Descriptions- gives various information reguarding quantity of lanes, sidewalks, and gutters,along with the width and length of a particular segment. Also contains segment speed limit and any alternate names that could exist.Parking-information is given on whether parking exists on either left, right or both sides.Bus Routesand Truck Routes -Bus routes and truck routes on given segment are defined.Medians-Describes the size and type of medianMaintenance--Information on who is responsible for maintenance, when the last maintenance was completed, and when the next maintenance will be done.One-way-information on whether or not the segment is one-way or two wayFunctional Class- indicates the type of segment in regard to street type or alley.Shoulder Type-indicates the classification of edge of pavement
Description: Current and future road closures within the City of Madison. These closures include full, partial, and special event closures of city streets.