Description: Metro Transit ridership by route stop Weekday February, 2024.Caution should be used with this data.Daily bus stop boardings were estimated using a 19-day sample of weekday farebox records and AVL logs, and the GTFS file from Metro Transit. Ridership estimates exclude supplemental schoolday routes and paratransit service. Caution should be exercised when attempting to compare data from individual stops; ridership data should be considered in the context of the system as a whole.Bus stops were assigned to each boarding event given the estimated location of the bus at the time of the farebox transaction.
Description: Metro Transit ridership by stop weekday February, 2024.Caution should be used with this data.Daily bus stop boardings were estimated using a 19-day sample of weekday farebox records and AVL logs, and the GTFS file from Metro Transit. Ridership estimates exclude supplemental schoolday routes and paratransit service. Caution should be exercised when attempting to compare data from individual stops; ridership data should be considered in the context of the system as a whole.Bus stops were assigned to each boarding event given the estimated location of the bus at the time of the farebox transaction.
Description: Intersections. City of Madison Area:City of Madison Traffic Engineering for arterial and collector intersections and most local.Greater Madison MPO for local intersections. Not complete.Outside City of Madison Area:Greater Madison MPO for arterial and collector intersections. Local intersections not collected.Updated 6/2022.2020 Orthophotos, Google Street View
Description: Intersection Control Inventory. City of Madison:City of Madison Traffic Engineering for arterial and collector intersections.Greater Madison MPO for local intersections. Not complete.Outside City of Madison:Greater Madison MPO for arterial and collector intersections. Local intersections not collected.Sources:Updated: 6/2022.2020 orthophotos, Google Street View.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Jurisdiction, length: 50
, Coded Values:
[CED: City of Edgerton]
, [CFB: City of Fitchburg]
, [CMAD: City of Madison]
, ...62 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Jurisdiction, length: 50
, Coded Values:
[CED: City of Edgerton]
, [CFB: City of Fitchburg]
, [CMAD: City of Madison]
, ...62 more...
Description: Bus StopsMetro Transit, September 22, 2024GTFS v. S35feed_start_date 20240922feed_end_date 20241130feed_version S35_202409301154
Copyright Text: Metro Transit, Greater Madison MPO
Description: Existing and Planned Bike or Ped Bridge, Overpass, or Underpass.Every location where a feature in the Pedestrian geodatabase (ped.gdb) or the Bike Path feature class in the Transportation geodatabase (transportation.gdb) crosses a waterway (or other natural feature) or has a grade-separated crossing of a road or railroad should be included so that adjustments can be made to networks if necessary. Road-road grade separated crossings (even those with on-road bike facilities) do not need to be included because the road centerline file has elevation fields.
Description: Bike Paths.Generally crushed stone within rural areas; paved in urban areas. Includes paths that can accommodate biking, but does not include pedestrian only paths.
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Map ID
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Jurisdiction, length: 50
, Coded Values:
[CED: City of Edgerton]
, [CFB: City of Fitchburg]
, [CMAD: City of Madison]
, ...62 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Jurisdiction, length: 50
, Coded Values:
[CED: City of Edgerton]
, [CFB: City of Fitchburg]
, [CMAD: City of Madison]
, ...62 more...
Description: Dane County Road Centerlines with MPO attributes designed for Transportation Planning purposes. Last Reconciliation with DCLIO 4/18/2023.MPO attributes include:Planned and Existing On-Street Bike FacilitiesFunctional ClassBiking SuitabilityShoulder WidthTruck RoutesNational Highway System (NHS)Median TypeSidewalksLanesPrimary DirectionThe reminder of the attributes are from the DCLIO centerline file.Directional Coding Note: Divided streets are generally coded the same for both primary and opposite direction. For example, a bike lane on only one direction is coded as showing a bike lane in both directions.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Bike Suitability, length: 10
, Coded Values:
[G: G Rural Most Suitable]
, [H: H Rural May be Suitable]
, [I: I Rural Least Suitable]
, ...2 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Current Roadway Functional Class
, Coded Values:
[1: Principal Arterials - Interstate]
, [2: Principal Arterials - Other Freeways]
, [3: Principal Arterials - Other]
, ...7 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Sidewalk
, Coded Values:
[10: No SW Not Expected]
, [11: One SW Not Expected]
, [20: No SW Rural]
, ...6 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: On Street Type, length: 4
, Coded Values:
[BL: Bike Lane]
, [BLC: Bike Lane - Contraflow]
, [BUL: Bus Lane - Bikes Allowed]
, ...9 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: On Street Type Planned, length: 4
, Coded Values:
[BL: Bike Lane]
, [BLC: Bike Lane - Contraflow]
, [BUL: Bus Lane - Bikes Allowed]
, ...9 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Transit, length: 1
, Coded Values:
[B: Travel in Both Directions]
, [O: Travel in One Direction]
, [N: No Travel in Either Direction]
Description: Bus Routes (simplified to one feature per route number).Metro Transit, September 22, 2024GTFS v. S35feed_start_date 20240922feed_end_date 20241130feed_version S35_202409301154
Copyright Text: Metro Transit, Greater Madison MPO
Description: Bus Route Patterns. Unique paths that each bus route might operate over, typically 2 to 10 patterns per route.Metro Transit, September 22, 2024GTFS v. S35feed_start_date 20240922feed_end_date 20241130feed_version S35_202409301154
Copyright Text: Metro Transit, Greater Madison MPO
Description: Bus Route Trips. Represent each bus trip that operates throughout the day. Each line in the Ride Guide (timetable) more or less represents one route trip. There are typically 10 to 300 route trips per route.Metro Transit, September 22, 2024GTFS v. S35feed_start_date 20240922feed_end_date 20241130feed_version S35_202409301154
Copyright Text: Metro Transit, Greater Madison MPO
Description: Metropolitan Planning Area Boundary.WisDOT Approved 7-30-13. The Madison Metropolitan Planning Area includes the Madison Urban Area and all or portions of the contiguous villages, cities, and towns that are or are likely to become urbanized within the 20+ year planning period as well as other areas containing important regional transportation corridors.Federal rules require the designation of MPOs in urbanized areas of 50,000 or more in population as a condition for spending Federal highway and transit funds.The Planning Area Boundary is the area within which the Federal metropolitan transportation planning and programming requirements apply. Within this area, federally funded or regionally significant transportation projects must be included in the MPO's long-range regional transportation and Transportation Improvement Program.
Description: Madison Urban Area Boundary.MATPB approved 3-4-15.U.S. DOT approved 6-11-13.The Urban Area Boundary determines or affects:The eligibility of areas for Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) Urban and other FHWA and Federal Transit Administration Funding; the functional classification of roadways; and roadway levels of service and access management standards.
Description: Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZ), 2016. These are the TAZs used for modeling purposes at the MPO.Includes Socio-Economic variables for Employment, Households, School Enrollment.2035 and 2050 Employment was calculated from Urban Footprint Data. Additional adjustments at the TAZ level were done in 12/2021 and 10/2022 by CARPC.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Bike Suitability, length: 10
, Coded Values:
[G: G Rural Most Suitable]
, [H: H Rural May be Suitable]
, [I: I Rural Least Suitable]
, ...2 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Current Roadway Functional Class
, Coded Values:
[1: Principal Arterials - Interstate]
, [2: Principal Arterials - Other Freeways]
, [3: Principal Arterials - Other]
, ...7 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Sidewalk
, Coded Values:
[10: No SW Not Expected]
, [11: One SW Not Expected]
, [20: No SW Rural]
, ...6 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: On Street Type, length: 4
, Coded Values:
[BL: Bike Lane]
, [BLC: Bike Lane - Contraflow]
, [BUL: Bus Lane - Bikes Allowed]
, ...9 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: On Street Type Planned, length: 4
, Coded Values:
[BL: Bike Lane]
, [BLC: Bike Lane - Contraflow]
, [BUL: Bus Lane - Bikes Allowed]
, ...9 more...
Description: Park and Ride Locations.Planned indicates locations that are in general areas of priority, but which have NOT had formal discussions or agreements as part of a WisDOT improvement project.Soucre:
Description: Spider diagram with Journey to Work Origin / Destination data from CTPP/ACS 2006-2010. Each vector indicates the number of work commuters traveling from Origin (Residence) to Destination (Workplace).
Copyright Text: Madison Area Transportation Planning Board (MATPB).
Description: Curb Cuts and Transition Points. The presence or absence of curb cuts is indicated. Features are coded for disabled access.Generally based on most recent orthophotos and Google Street View.
Description: Sidewalk and Pedestrian Facilities.Includes sidewalks, crosswalks, and other walkways. Features are coded for disabled access.Generally based on most recent orthophotos and Google Street View.
Description: Centerline file used for Bike LTS Network. Has existing streets and bike paths integrated.Clean topology. All connections are end point to end point.Bridges involving bike paths cleaned manually to accommodate bug in Network Analyst connectivity using elevation fields.The Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) system rates or scores streets and paths by calculating an LTS score (1, 2, 3, or 4) for each street or multi-use path segment, intersection approach, and intersection crossing and then assigning the highest of the three scores to the segment. In those cases where the intersection LTS score is higher than the street segment score, the street segment encompassing the first block on either side of the intersection is given the higher intersection score. LTS scores for street segments are based on the posted speed limit, traffic volumes, number of travel lanes, and bicycle lane or bicycle/parking lane dimensions. Multi-use paths are classified as the lowest stress (LTS score of 1). Please refer to the Low-Stress Bicycle Network Report, and updated segment methodology for additional detail. Description of Bicycle Routing OptionsThe routing application provides recommended bicycling route directions between an origin and destination using three different routing settings:Low-Stress Only: use of exclusively low-stress routes (LTS 1 or 2).Moderate-Stress: moderate-stress routes (LTS 1-3), but with low-stress preferred via a time penalty added to moderate stress routes when determining the route.Unrestricted: use of any legal bicycling route (LTS 1-4), but with low- and moderate-stress routes preferred via the most severe time penalty added to high-stress routes and a lesser penalty added to moderate-stress routes.Travel times shown are actual times (based on an average bicyclist’s speed of 10 mph) without the time penalties used by the application to determine the route.Description of LTS Levels for Street SegmentsLTS 1: Paths and streets with 1 lane per direction, speed limits ≤ 20 mph, and low traffic volumes, or up to 25 mph with bike lanes.LTS 2: Streets with 1 lane per direction, speed limits ≤ 30 mph, and low traffic volumes and/or bike lanes.LTS 3: Streets with 1-2 lanes per direction, speed limits ≤ 35 mph, and moderate traffic volumes and/or bike lanes.LTS 4: Streets with 2+ lanes per direction, with high speed limits and/or high traffic volumes.The LTS score for an intersection approach is based on the intersection configuration. Specifically, the score is based on whether there is a right-turn only lane and, if so, whether there is a “pocket” bike lane to the left of the right-turn lane and other details related to the design of these lanes and the curb radius of the intersection. Description of LTS levels for Intersection ApproachesNo effect: Simple intersection with no right-turn lane, or a single right turn lane of less than 75 feet with slow turning speeds.LTS 2: Intersection with a single right-turn lane of less than 150 feet and a bike lane that continues straight.LTS 3: Intersection with a right-turn lane of 75-150 feet and no bike lane, a bike lane that shifts to the left across a right-turn lane with slow turning speeds, or a bike lane that continues straight alongside a turn lane of more than 150 feet.LTS 4: Other intersection configurations, including multiple right-turn lanes and/or higher turning speeds.The LTS score for an unsignalized intersection crossing is based on the number of travel lanes per direction on the intersecting street to be crossed, the presence of a median (for multi-lane streets), and the speed limit on the intersecting street. Description of LTS Levels for Intersection CrossingsUnsignalized CrossingsLTS 1: Intersecting street has only 1 lane per travel direction and speed limit ≤ 30 mph.LTS 2: Intersecting street has only 1 lane per travel direction and speed limit ≤ 35 mph or 2 lanes but speed limit ≤ 30 mph.LTS 3: Intersecting street has 1 lane per travel direction and a speed limit of 40+ mph, or 2 lanes and a speed limit of 35 mph.LTS 4: Intersecting street has 2 lanes per travel direction and 40+ mph speed limit, or 3+ lanes.In some cases, intersection crossing LTS is reduced below these levels if the intersecting street is one-way only or is equipped with a median refuge. Signalized CrossingsCrossing streets at signalized intersections does not present a significant barrier for bicyclists and thus does not affect the LTS score unless a right turn lane is present.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Bike Suitability, length: 10
, Coded Values:
[G: G Rural Most Suitable]
, [H: H Rural May be Suitable]
, [I: I Rural Least Suitable]
, ...2 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Current Roadway Functional Class
, Coded Values:
[1: Principal Arterials - Interstate]
, [2: Principal Arterials - Other Freeways]
, [3: Principal Arterials - Other]
, ...7 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Sidewalk
, Coded Values:
[10: No SW Not Expected]
, [11: One SW Not Expected]
, [20: No SW Rural]
, ...6 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: On Street Type, length: 4
, Coded Values:
[BL: Bike Lane]
, [BLC: Bike Lane - Contraflow]
, [BUL: Bus Lane - Bikes Allowed]
, ...9 more...
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Bike Lane Width
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: On Street Type Planned, length: 4
, Coded Values:
[BL: Bike Lane]
, [BLC: Bike Lane - Contraflow]
, [BUL: Bus Lane - Bikes Allowed]
, ...9 more...